Floridom, Inc.
(800) 355-4206
The Best Family Law Software Since 1994

Divorce Power Analyzer

Georgia Edition

Child Support Guidelines Worksheets

Compiles each party's income accurately under Georgia Child Support Guidelines; Computes child support adjustments under the '07 Georgia Child Support Guidelines; Automatically determines BCSO - Basic Child Support Obligation; Adds child care and medical insurance expenses to compute Presumptive Guidelines; Easy Deviation Calculator divided into six deviation categories; Automatically creates Georgia Child Support Guidelines Worksheet; Automatically creates Schedules A,B,D and E; Automatically creates 2 worksheets to argue Parenting Time Deviation;Quick Child Support Screen that allows you to create Child Support Worksheet and calculate a child support amount in less than one minute; All worksheets can be electronically transferred in PDF format.

Support Reports

  • Schedule A - Gross Income Worksheet with side by side comparison of both parties' gross income presented in monthly columns
  • Schedule B - Net Monthly Deductions Summary
  • Schedule D - Additional Expenses
  • Schedule E - Deviations
  • Uses Child Support worksheets to perform Maintenance Analysis
  • Expense Report featuring comparison of marital vs. current expenses for either party
  • Expense Comparison featuring comparison of both parties' current expenses

Financial Affidavits

  • Full Financial Affidavits on Georgia style forms
  • Income/Deduction and Asset/Liability sections of affidavit for each party without additional entries consistent with the Guidelines and Equitable Distribution Worksheets
  • Federal Income Tax automatically computed Georgia Income Tax Automatically computed
  • Federal Employment Taxes automaticaly computed Taxes easily adjusted for exemptions, credits and itemized Deductions

Maintenance Options Worksheet

  • Provides side by side comparison of six different maintenance scenarios on one court presentable worksheet. Each scenario shows:
    • Net Income available to each party with and without child support
    • State and Federal Income Tax to be paid by each party
    • Child Support
  • Income available to each party and to the family as a whole Excess/Deficit Comparisson with affidavit expenses of both parties

Maintenance Solutions Analysis

  • Analyzes factors on whether maintenance should be awarded

Equitable Distribution Worksheets

  • Compiles a listing of all assets of the parties (marital and non-marital) and the valuation each party claims for each asset
  • Presents alternative values for different valuation dates for analyzation of what date is most equitable for distribution purposes
  • Computes Gross and Net Equity of each asset
  • Creates Net Equity Worksheets
  • Allows tax effecting of assets where desired
  • Provides proposed equitable distribution of all marital assets and liabilities
  • Lists all non-marital assets and liabilities
  • Determines lump sum award necessary to accomplish equal distribution which can be adjusted for proposed skewed distribution

Special Features and Miscellaneous Reports

  • Quick Child Support Screen that allows you to calculate a child support amount for a simple case in less than one minute
  • Four Computational Tools:
    • Alimony Recapture Estimator - Analyze payment schemes and see if there is an alimony recapture problem
    • Annuity Value Estimator - Estimates current value of flow of payments (i.e. alimony or lump sum needed to balance equitable distribution)
    • Pension Value Estimator - Provides the net present value of a defined benefit pension
    • Mortgage/Loan Payment Estimator - Estimates amount of mortgage, loan (P&I only) or lump sum payments to pay off a sum over a designated period of time at an assumed interest rate (also includes a printable Amortization Schedule for every mortgage scenario entered)
  • Note system that can maintain file notes and office memos without leaving the file
  • Witness List system that collects basic information for witness lists and summaries - this feature can also be used to take trial and deposition notes
  • Document management system that provides a mechanism for cataloging and using all physical evidence in your case
  • Attorney Information Directory that automatically creates a database for all attorneys and judges placed in the system
  • Case Summary Worksheet that summarizes full case positions for all issues on one worksheet
  • Court Ruling Worksheet that provides a court's summary ruling for all issues on one worksheet
  • Mediation Agreement that provides a simple statement of resolution for all issues on one worksheet which is executable as an immediate Agreement by both parties and their attorneys
  • UCCJEA Affidavit that captures information necessary for the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act Affidavit and easily prints it
  • Other printable forms:
    • Child Support Guidelines Chart
    • Notice of Social Security Number
    • Client Rolodex Cards
